Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Memorable Monday...on Tuesday!

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question By: David W. Richardson, CSP

My new job as assistant to the president of a large manufacturing form proved to be challenging in a variety of ways, not the least of them my huge attraction to my boss.  He was a dynamic, handsome man with so much energy and enthusiasm it was contagious in the office.

I had only been working for Ron for a couple of weeks when he suddenly seemed to slow down and take notice that I was an attractive woman.  I could just tell by the way he stopped what he was doing and got all flustered when I walked into his office one afternoon that something had just "clicked".  Of course, I didn't pursue it because it's common knowledge that office romances are an invitation for disaster.

Ron, however, being accustomed to great success in the business world, set his sights on me and didn't let up until I agreed to go out to dinner with him.  He was subtle about it and made it a point to ask me when no one else was around, and he was just so darn cute I couldn't say no. 

Our first dinner together was perfect.  He took me to a beautiful restaurant with a view of the city that took my breath away.  And I found Ron's company absolutely wonderful.  We talked and laughed for hours without feeling the least bit self conscious.  And so it began...

Ron and I dated each other for almost a year without anyone in the company knowing of our relationship.  I truly believe that work and pleasure should be kept separate, so it wasn't all that hard to switch from one relationship during the day to the other in the evening.  Both of us were quite content with the situation, or so I thought. 

It was the Tuesday morning before Christmas, and I was rushing to complete a couple of deadlines before I took a few days off for the holidays.  I was in deep concentration when I realized that I could hear music other than the piped-in background noise that was always playing.  I strained to figure out what it was and where it was coming from.  It sounded almost like bagpipes, but why would anyone be playing bagpipes in our office building? 

I went back to work but could hear the music getting nearer and nearer and, yes, I was certain it was bagpipes.  I was determined not to interrupt my work but was forced to when the whole office reacted to the bagpipe player that had just walked off the elevator...Ron right behind him in full Scottish regalia.  I couldn't believe my eyes!

The bagpipe player and Ron proceeded boldly to my desk and stopped right in front of me.  I was so surprised, I didn't know how to react.  And then, Ron took my hand and pulled me out from behind my desk, knelt down before me, and held out a diamond ring that made everyone gasp.  Or, maybe it was the fact that the boss was proposing to his assistant that no one knew he was even dating!  Either way, when Ron took my hand and slipped the ring on my finger, asking me to be his wife, I responded with a thrilled "Yes!"

Monday, August 5, 2013

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Memorable Monday...

Now That's A Prize!

Having dated for five years, Sue knew that it was only a matter of time before Larry popped the question. This particular Saturday afternoon found them enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon at the city zoo.  Excusing himself, Larry went over and bought a couple of sodas, a bag of popcorn for himself, and for Sue, her favorite, Cracker Jacks.

Just like a kid, she couldn't wait to find the prize hidden in the box.  After every handful, she would reach deeper into the box, feeling around for that ever-famous little plastic toy.  All of the sudden, a smile lit up her face...she'd found it.  Shaking the box back and forth while wiggling her fingers inside she pulled the prize from the box, anxious to see what it was.

A look of astonishment came over her face.  This wasn't a toy...no, this was a beautiful diamond ring.  Larry pulled her to him, and as he asked her to be his bride, he carefully slid that diamond ring onto her finger.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Memorable Monday... By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Name That Tune

Le Francais is one of the finest restaurants in the city, very elegant, very posh, the perfect place for Michael to ask Melinda to spend the rest of her life with him.

Two weeks before popping the "big question" he met with the maître d' of Le Francais and planned out every detail of the special evening.

The night finally arrived, and as Michael and Melinda walked into the restaurant , the maître d' extended his hand, greeted them warmly, and immediately showed them to their special table which was adorned with beautiful flowers and exquisite tableware.

First they were served a glass of Melinda's favorite Chardonnay, then came escargot, then the soup, salad, entrée, dinner wine, dessert, and after dinner cordial...all pre-ordered by Michael, all Melinda's favorites.

As they sipped their cordials, the wait staff gathered to form a semi-circle around the table, and the strolling violinist came over and played "Isn't It Romantic." Michael rose from the table, knelt before Melinda, and slid a dazzling diamond ring onto her finger as he said, "Will you marry me Melinda?"

The moment she said "Yes," the champagne corks popped all over the restaurant, and everyone held up their glasses in a toast to the happy couple.

Friday, July 26, 2013

134 Carat Sapphire Brooch to Highlight Alexandre Reza Exhibit at Sotheby's

134 Carat Sapphire Brooch to Highlight Alexandre Reza Exhibit at Sotheby's

By Daniel Ford, Web Editor
Posted on July 26, 2013
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134 Carat Sapphire Brooch to Highlight Alexandre Reza Exhibit at Sotheby's
Alexandre Reza untreated Ceylon sapphire brooch featuring a 134 ct. large oval sapphire mounted on a gold clip set with 14 round diamonds 17 cts. t.w., a 1 ct. pear-shaped diamond, yellow diamonds, and 14 pear shaped sapphires 8 ct. t.w. from 1980 (Photos courtesy of Sotheby's
A 134 ct. sapphire brooch will highlight the Alexandre Reza exhibit set to debut in November at Sotheby’s in New York City.
Titled “The Extraordinary Jewelry of Alexandre Reza,” the exhibition will highlight both the historic and contemporary works of the Paris-based jewelry designer. New pieces designed by Olivier Reza, son of now-retired Alexandre, will include earrings featuring old mine Colombian emeralds set in baguette diamonds and a natural pearl necklace.
“My family and I are honored to partner with Sotheby’s and share both the Alexandre Reza archives and new creations with jewelry collectors around the world,” said Olivier Reza in a statement. “Carefully curated, this exhibition will showcase my father’s legacy as a jeweler, and the work that we create today in his honor.”

Platinum earrings composed of four Columbian emeralds more than 51 cts., framed with over 14 cts. of diamond baguettes.
The collection will be on public view  Nov. 2–14 in New York City. The exhibition will travel to Sotheby’s global offices in 2014, including London, Doha, and Beijing.

Natural pearl necklace set with a pear-shaped pearl of 29 cts. at its center, a fancy intense yellow diamond of 2.5 cts. and 3 rose-cut diamonds 12 cts. t.w.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Memorable Monday....By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Horse Sense

My boyfriend Carl and I had been dating for several years when we decided it was time for us to get married.  It was pretty cut and dried, not a lot of romance or discussion.  We didn't want to spend a lot of money on a ring because we were saving to buy some property where we could have a couple horses, a dream both of us had since childhood.

We always reserved our Saturday mornings for horseback riding at a friend's ranch, and one Saturday Carl told me to meet him extra early so we could watch the sun come up from our favorite spot. 

We started our ride when it was still dark, but both of us were wide awake and looking forward to the ride.  I had baked fresh cinnamon rolls the night before and brought  them along with a thermos of hot coffee.  The plan was to ride up into the mountains as it got light and stop in time to watch the glorious sunrise over the pasture down below. 

As we rode up the trail, Carl reached over and touched my arm so tenderly it made me want to cry.  I just love that man so much it hurts!  I turned to smile at him and saw that he was holding a little box out toward me.  We walked our horses off to the side of the trail, and I opened the box to find a precious gold ring with little diamonds all across the top. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

"Carl," I whispered, "I thought we weren't going to do this."

Carl reached over and slipped the ring on my finger as my eyes filled up with tears. 

"Joanne, I love you so much that I want every single person who sees you to notice that you have a ring on your finger and know that our love for each other is a special thing for us.  That ring is nothing fancy, but the depth of love it carries is beyond measure.  Will you be my wife?"

What a special moment in my life. That was fifteen years ago, and I'm reminded of it every time we ride our horses up that trail to watch the sunrise together. 

Etolie Band~Tiffany's

JCK~Re-Post- Kimberley Diamond On Display

55 Carat Kimberley Diamond Goes on Display in New York City

By Rob Bates, Senior Editor
Posted on July 17, 2013
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The famed 55 ct. Kimberley Diamond is making its first public appearance at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City this month.
The stone, which is on loan from the Bruce F. Stuart Trust, will be on display in the Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems through at least June 2014, a museum spokeswoman says.

The Kimberley Diamond
The 55.08-ct. champagne-colored gem, described by the exhibit's curator as "virtually flawless," is historically important because it was found in the 19th century at the Kimberley Mine in South Africa, also known as “the Big Hole,” one of the first diamond mines of the modern era.
The Kimberley Diamond was discovered as a 490 ct. crystal, and it was cut into a 70 ct. gem in 1921. The stone was given its present emerald cut in 1958 to improve its brilliancy, according to the museum.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More Elizabeth Taylor Jewelry Coming Up for Auction JCK Re-Post

More Elizabeth Taylor Jewelry Coming Up for Auction

By Rob Bates, Senior Editor
Posted on July 16, 2013
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It turns out that Elizabeth Taylor had a few more jewels to be auctioned off.
Beverly Hills, Calif.-based Julien Auctions, which specializes in celebrity memorabilia, will auction off two of the noted actress and jewelry collector’s pieces in October.
Among the items scheduled to go up for bids is an 18k yellow gold necklace and earring set signed Zorab that features citrine and peridot. It has a $10,000 to $15,000 estimate.

18k yellow gold necklace and earring set featuring citrine and peridot (Photos courtesy of Julien Auctions)
Another item is a bracelet Taylor wore in the movie Cleopatra, with five dangling lotus blossoms on chain and beaded fringes, and a clasp opening. Its estimate is $1,000 to $2,000.

Five dangling lotus blossoms on chain and beaded fringes 
The auction also will include the headdress Taylor wore in Cleopatra. According to Reuters, the items were the property of an unidentified former employee of Taylor’s.
In December 2011, the auction of Taylor’s jewels at Christie’s set numerous records.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Memorable Monday...

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Falling For Him

Michael and I met in a composition class in our sophomore year of college.  We struck up a conversation one afternoon as we were walking out of the classroom and continued talking until we reached my dorm. He asked if he could take me out for coffee later, and I told him I'd like that.

Our relationship just "felt right" from the very beginning, and we knew that we were meant to be together.

Michael and I had been dating for a little over a year when we began talking about moving in together. I had discussed the idea with my parents, and they weren't too crazy about it. They hadn't said "Absolutely not, young lady!" as I had expected, though, so I moved forward with my plan to move in.

The Saturday we had chosen to move was a chilly fall day with multi-colored leaves blowing everywhere. fall is my favorite time of year, and I couldn't wait to get moved into our little apartment so we could decorate with all the seasonal colors. 

As I trudged up the steps with a full armload of clothes, I looked up to see that Michael had already hung a beautiful wreath made of red and gold leaves on our door.  It was big and thick and had pine cones scattered around it. I wondered who had made it.

Pushing open the door with my foot, I walked in and complimented Michael on the wreath as I dropped my pile of clothes on the couch. "Who made that, Michael? It's beautiful."

"Believe it or not, I did...with a little help from your mom," was his reply.

"My mom?" I walked back out to take a closer look with Michael on my heels. The significance of the wreath on our door was much more apparent when I had a chance to look more closely.  Hanging from a red ribbon in the center was a diamond engagement ring with a note attached to it. 

In my mom's handwriting, The note read: "Honey, do you think we would've let you move in there if we hadn't known Michael was going to propose? Now, give the poor boy his answer! Love, Mom."

Michael had a huge smile on his face as if he knew exactly what my answer would be, and he was right. I gave him a great big "yes!"


2.95 Carat Diamond Found at Arkansas Park

By Rob Bates, Senior Editor
Posted on July 9, 2013
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2.95 Carat Diamond Found at Arkansas Park
2.95 ct. brown diamond at Arkansas’ famous Crater of Diamonds State Park.
On July 4, Terry Staggs of Richmond, Ky., unearthed a 2.95 ct. brown diamond at Arkansas’ famous Crater of Diamonds State Park.
The champagne rough stone is the biggest of all the 304 diamonds found so far this year at the park, according to a park statement. Since the stone was discovered on Independence Day, Staggs dubbed it the Patriot Diamond.
The park, open since 1972 in Murfreesboro, Ark., lets visitors rummage for diamonds and keep what they find.
The diamond “appears to be a complete crystal and is shaped like a shield,” said park interpreter Waymon Cox in a statement. “It’s about the size of an English pea and has as a golden brown metallic appearance.”
Staggs took advantage of the long weekend to search for stones at the park. The diamond caught his attention after he’d been surface-searching for about two and a half hours.
“Sunny weather conditions on July 4th were perfect for this sparkler to catch Mr. Staggs’ attention as he searched,” said Cox. “Mr. Staggs’ gem was found in gravel on the surface of the East Drain area. Sunlight reflecting off the diamond made it stand out from the other stones."
While the value of the Patriot Diamond is still undetermined, it would be tough the beat the 2.44 ct. F VS1 stone discovered at the park in 2012. That diamond was valued at more than $21,000.
Perhaps the park’s most notable recent discovery is the D-flawless Strawn-Wagner Diamond. The 3.03 ct. stone, which was found in 1998, was eventually cut to a 1.09 ct. AGS Triple Zero by Lazare Kaplan. It was subsequently purchased by the state of Arkansas and is currently on display at the Crater of Diamonds visitor center.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Memorable Monday...

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question
By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Cooling Her Heels

It was a beautiful day for a hike, the weather was perfect, but Peter seemed a little "out of it" today, a little aloof.  Wendy figured it was because the end of the quarter was near and Peter was still short of his sales quota.
As they walked, she and Peter engaged in idle chit chat. If she mentioned anything about work, he quickly moved along to another subject.
The sound of the waterfall in the distance meant that lunch break was just around the corner. Her feet were tired and she was ready for a rest. The waterfall was Wendy's favorite place in the whole world, and she looked forward to a peaceful half an hour enjoying its beauty.
Running to the edge of the pool, she pulled off her hiking boots and let her feet slowly sink into the cool blue water. Peter joined her as they sat and shared a delicious lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Afterwards, dozing in the sun, Wendy tried to think of a way to cheer Peter up a bit.
As they prepared to leave, Wendy slid on her socks and grabbed her boots. After cooling her heels in the stream, her boots always felt much better on her feet. Lacing up her second boot, she noticed something strange about the shoelace. There was something hanging from it...a diamond ring! It was a diamond engagement ring!!
She turned to face Peter who had dropped to his knee beside her. Taking the boot from her, he removed the ring, looked lovingly into her eyes, and said,"Wendy, I love you more than anything in this world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
Wendy's response was a great big "Yes!" as she toppled over into the grass to give him a kiss. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Coffee Shop Chaos

Every Saturday morning, without fail, my sister Joanne and I meet for coffee at our favorite café. When the weather is nice we sit outside, and the waitress who has been serving us for years brings us our order without even having to ask us what we want. We have comfort food and girl talk, and it's the highlight of my week.
So, it was Saturday morning, we were re-hashing the week's events, and I found myself voicing the same old lament...that my boyfriend of three years was never going to make a serious commitment to our relationship.  At 45, I was ready to settle into something more than just a steady weekend date.
Even though Joanne listened patiently, I sensed that she was distracted, and I finally asked her what was so interesting behind me? She leaned toward me and whispered, "Don't turn around, but there's a guy behind you with a hat and sunglasses that looks like he's trying to eavesdrop. I wonder if he's delusional and thinks he's a spy!" At that we giggled and continued our conversation our conversation in quieter tones.
A few seconds later I heard the chair behind me scrape the cement as our "spy" moved closer. This guy was definitely a kook who was much too interested in what we were saying. So I proceeded to launch into a tale of how I had met a fabulous bodybuilder earlier in the week and we were having a passionate affair.  I added that I was thinking about breaking up with Thomas to run off with this new guy. 
CRASH! In trying to strain to listen to what I was saying, the guy behind us actually fell backwards, and I was so startled that I jumped up and managed  to tip our whole table over-coffee, toast and all.  What a mess and what a noise! Everyone on the patio was looking at us!
I turned to give this guy a piece of my mind and absolutely could not believe the sight of my Thomas righting himself and his chair and trying to maintain some small resemblance of dignity. "What on earth do you think you're doing? " I yelled.
"Well, believe it or not, honey, this was a well-planned attempt to propose in a very unique and romantic way. It just didn't turn out exactly as I had planned!"  With that, he pulled a diamond ring out of his pocket and took my hand.
"Janet, don't you even think about running off with some other guy! You're my girl, and I want you to be my wife! Will you marry me?"
Trying to hold back a combination of laughter and tears, I held out my hand for Thomas to slip the diamond on my finger. "Thomas, I'll call Fabio the minute I leave here and tell him the deal's off. I would love to be your wife."

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Birthstone~RUBY

The birthstone for the month of July is Ruby! Ruby represents passion and love, and is said to look like a fire is burning within the stone. The ruby is one of the most highly prized gems throughout history. Ruby's hardness and durability make a great choice for an everyday ring, or as an alternative gem for an engagement ring.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Baseball Fan

George had been a major league baseball fan all of his life. Every opportunity to latch onto a few tickets found George in his favorite seat--first seat, second row, right behind first base.
In the three years he had been seeing Mary he had never been able to interest her in going to one of the games.  She didn't like the traffic, she didn't like the crowds, and she was content with hearing about the excitement of the game from George when he got home.
Determined to share a game with Mary, George secured a pair of tickets, handed them to her with a bow, and said, "Tomorrow afternoon, please be my guest at the game." With a cute little "you won this time, buster" smile, she finally gave in.
Mary was very taken by all the activity...the vendors, crowd reaction, airplanes flying overhead trailing colorful banners, and, of course, the athletes on the field. 
As the seventh inning was drawing to a close, Mary glanced up to see what bright banner was flying overhead and was amazed to see "Mary, will you marry me? I love you. George" flying through the sky.
Mary did a double take, turned to George with wide eyes, and saw him beside her on his knee, left hand extended and right hand poised to put a beautiful engagement ring on her finger.
The inning had come to an end, and behind George, Mary was amazed to see the players on the field lined up on the first base line waving their hats as she told him, "Yes, I'd love to be your wife."  The organist burst into "Here Comes the Bride" and George's baseball buddies who had all been seated nearby rushed up to congratulate both of them with beer and hot dog toasts!
A new baseball fan had just been born!

Monday, June 17, 2013

What You can Buy With $5 Million! Gemvara Re-Post




Part 2-Memorable Ways To Pop The Question By: David W. Richardson,CSP

Angel in the Choir

Singing in the choir at my church is a passion of mine made even more wonderful by the fact that my future husband is the choir director.  We met the first night I attended choir practice and had an enthusiastic discussion about music choices appropriate for our church and our large choir's capabilities. 
Every week we meet to practice for the upcoming Sunday services. We sing at three services on Sunday and are all very dedicated to the successful creation of a service filled with uplifting, well-executed music.  Peter and I hit it off that very first night and not only enjoyed seeing each other at practice and church, but spent a lot of our spare time together as well.  Before we knew it we were considered a "couple."
Christmas at the church is especially exciting, but the behind-the-scenes work it takes to create a wonderful holiday celebration filled with joyous voices usually leaves us time for little else. My second year in the choir found me running around like a maniac trying to squeeze in shopping, baking, and gift wrapping between all of the extra practices we were having. I knew, of course, that all of the practicing would be worth it in the end, but little did I know just how special it would turn out.
Christmas morning came and the choir was bustling around the dressing room decked out in crisp red and white robes. Peter was rushing around like a red blur as he gave last minute instructions and reminded everyone of their cues for solos and Bible readings.  I smiled as I watched him and wondered when we'd have enough time to celebrate Christmas ourselves, just he and I.
We filed solemnly into the church before many parishioners had arrived and began a beautiful rendition of "Silent Night". I lost myself in the wonderful Christmas music as we moved from one song to the next.  Peter stood at the front gently guiding us, a satisfied smile on his face.
The church was nearly full, Father had come to the side of the choir, and we all began to sing very softly. Father nodded at Peter, but what happened next was not what anyone in that church was expecting.
Peter leaned toward the microphone at his left and said, "Before we begin this celebration today, I ask that you all join me in a celebration of my own." As he said this, he was looking right up at me. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he continued. 
"On this special day, I want to share my joy in finding the woman I want to share my life with. So, if Jean would come down here for a moment, I'd like to ask her to be my wife." My knees were shaking as I walked down through the choir to join Peter at the front of the congregation. He knelt before me and took my hand.
"Jean, in front of the people who care about us most, I ask you to be my wife," he said as he slid a fabulous diamond ring on my finger. The whole congregation seemed to be leaning forward to hear my whispered "Yes" as Peter rose to give me a hug. 
I could barely walk back to my place in the choir, and my voice was shaking so much I could only mouth the words for the rest of the service. What an incredible Christmas gift!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question~By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Over the next several weeks we will be posting short stories from David W. Richardson's book titled Memorable Ways To Pop The Question. Hopefully these stories will inspire you to make some beautiful memories of your own!

An Airplane Full of Roses

A young man boarded a plane for Dallas with a huge armful of beautiful red roses. He was on his way to ask the love of his life to marry him.

As he walked down the airplane aisle, he handed each passenger a rose and showed them a picture of his fiancé-to-be who would be meeting him at the gate.

At his request, as each passenger left the plane upon landing they walked up to the surprised and curious young woman and handed her a rose with a word or two of good wishes. With her arms full of roses the passengers began laying the rest of them around her feet.

With his fellow passengers gathered in a semi-circle around her, all beaming with pleasure, the young man walked up to his love, knelt on one knee, presented her with a beautiful diamond ring, and asked her to be his wife. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

June Pearls~JCK Re-Post

$1.64 Million Pearl Necklace Highlights Christie’s London Sale

By Stephanie Schaefer, Editorial Assistant
Posted on June 6, 2013
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Warren Buffett isn't the only one putting money into pearls.
A three-row natural pearl necklace sold for $1.64 million at Christie’s London sale on June 5.
Photos courtesy of Christie's
The auction was 77 percent sold by lot and 90 percent sold by value.
Other top items at the auction included a diamond and natural pearl brooch that fetched $663,829, and an antique sapphire and diamond necklace that sold for $461,869. The 278 lots sold totaled $13.4 million.
Diamond and natural pearl brooch
Antique sapphire and diamond necklace
The sale also included an 18.79 ct. circular-cut VVS2 diamond single-stone pendant, selling for $425,149, and a 7.07 ct. rectangular-cut fancy yellow, VVS1 diamond ring, which earned $305,809. 
“The London sale of Important Jewels saw competitive bidding in a busy saleroom and a strong online presence with nearly 30 percent of the lots being sold to or underbid by clients via Christie’s LIVE,” Keith Penton, head of the London jewelry department, said in a statement. “The results illustrate the continued strength in the market for natural pearls.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June Birthstone~Pearl

Pearl is the birthstone for the month of June. When certain mollusks get an irritant in them, the mollusk will respond by secreting what is called nacre. Nacre builds a smooth coating around the irritant (sand, or a parasite for example) and creates a pearl.
The two types of pearls are Salt Water and Fresh Water, and they come in several different colors.

All items by Cartier

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Journey of the Pearl

Pearls: New Documentary Dives Into the History of the Pearl & More

The Vault
By Jennifer Heebner, Senior Editor
This story appears in the May 2013 issue of JCK magazine
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Pearls: New Documentary Dives Into the History of the Pearl & More
Jewelmer Tropics necklace with 16 mm golden South Sea pearl and 15 cts. t.w. diamonds in 18k yellow gold; price on request

‘Power’ Up

When Taylor Higgins signed on to produce The Journey of the Pearl, a documentary about global pearl farming (including Chinese freshwaters), for the Cultured Pearl Association of America in 2010, he didn’t expect his link to the pearling world to last beyond the film. But just as collectors fall in love with the luster of pearls themselves, Higgins—the co-CEO, writer, director, and producer of Austin, Texas–based On the Reel Productions—was so bewitched by the backstory of pearls that he didn’t want the Journey to end. So he and business partner Ahbra Perry embarked on a new doc about saltwater pearling in the South Pacific, specifically the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia.
Goldenberry ring with golden Philippine South Sea pearl and 1.11 cts. t.w. diamonds in 18k gold; price on request; Jewelmer, Makati City, Philippines; 632-810-0266; jewelmer.com
While the CPAA’s Journey took viewers on intimate tours of pearl farms and delved into growing and harvesting oysters, Power of Pearl “reveals the history of the pearl interwoven with the story of three pearl farmers, their journeys, how their farms came to be, and the impact they have on the environment and people around them,” explains Higgins.
The filmmaker was at the AGTA ­GemFair in Tucson to drum up excitement—and, more important, to raise money to finish the film, which needs a $150,000 cash infusion. Thus far, pearl producers in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia have funded half of each country’s budget and Higgins secured the rest by his own fundraising. The $150,000 would, in part, help complete post-­production, which Higgins estimates will run at least $50,000. He enlisted ­cinematographer/producer Kalyanee Mam to help polish the film in hopes of qualifying for grants—and, eventually, for film festivals including Sundance and Tribeca.
Potential buyers, says Higgins, could include BBC or the Discovery Channel; the doc also could go ­somewhere like OWN (the Oprah ­Winfrey ­Network), National Geographic, ­Netflix, or On Demand. “We’ve had nibbles of ­interest, but they want to see a ­finished product,” he says. “We’re at a crossroads now where we need funds to complete the next portion of the film.”
Left: a pearl diver hanging shell; right: filmmaker Taylor Higgins
Jewelmer director Jacques Christophe Bran­ellec has so much faith in the film that he allowed On the Reel to follow him around his company’s farms in the ­Philippines for two weeks. “There’s so little knowledge about pearl farming that we wanted to share our experience to get the word out,” Branellec explained to JCK during a March visit to the ­Jewelmer farms on the remote Palawan Islands. “It takes an ­exceptional individual with a ­philosophy of ­resilience to be a pearl farmer—it’s not an easy path.”
Log on to powerofpearlmovie.com to make a donation in any amount or to inquire about donating a larger sum in exchange for recognition in the film’s end credits.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Largest Red Diamond EVER! ~ The Daily Telegraph

Rio Tinto puts largest 'red' diamond on market

Rio Tinto said on Friday it was putting up for sale the biggest "red" diamond ever produced by its Australian mine amid an "explosion" in demand from Asia for the rare pink-hued stones.

Rio Tinto puts largest 'red' diamond on market
The 1.56 carat gem (C) is the largest red that has ever come from the Argyle diamond mine Photo: AFP/GETTY

The Argyle Phoenix, a 1.56 carat gem, is one of three red diamonds on offer at the annual Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender – the first time in the 30-year history of the exclusive sale that it has included three red stones.
"This is the largest red that has ever come from the Argyle diamond mine," Argyle Pink Diamonds manager Josephine Johnson told AFP as she held the stone.
"Never seen before, likely never seen again.
"The diamond world will be talking about this diamond for the next few months intensely. And there will be lots of discussion about the rarity of it, the value of it."
The 2013 pink diamond tender comprises 64 diamonds, including 58 pink stones, three blue ones and the three fancy reds.

Such jewels routinely fetch over £1 million a carat. As a basic rule of thumb, a pink diamond is worth about 50 times more than a white diamond.
After previews in Sydney, New York and Tokyo, there will be tender viewings in Hong Kong and Perth, to allow clients and experts to see the gems and make offers for individual stones.
"The tender every year has great interest – when you think there's only 60 stones each year, that's about 12 grams of diamond weight – we tour it around the world because each one is like selling a Picasso," Johnson said.
"Each one is unique. They will find different markets.
"With a red diamond the colour itself is extraordinary, but what really transcends the appeal of the colour is just the outrageous rarity of something like this."
The Argyle mine in Western Australia produces virtually the entire world's supply of pink diamonds, with the red seen as the pinnacle of the colour scale.
It is not known how the diamonds acquire their pink tinge but it is thought to come from a molecular structure distortion as the jewel forms in the earth's crust or makes its way to the surface.
Japan is the largest consumer of pink diamonds, with the lighter "Cherry Blossom" shades in strong demand, but Johnson said Argyle diamonds were growing in popularity in other markets.
"There's an explosion of interest in China and India. We're certainly seeing that in the rare diamond world," she said.
"I am quite surprised at how quickly they have moved from a desire for large, white clean goods to an appreciation for the value of rarity and fancy coloured diamonds."
With the Phoenix, she said: "It being red is very interesting because that's a highly symbolic colour in Asia."
But she said with few reference points and increasing interest in coloured diamonds, particularly rare pinks and reds, it was impossible to know where the stone would end up.
"Our last diamond that came anywhere near close to this actually ended up in the US, so it's hard to say," she said.
Edited for Telegraph.co.uk by Barney Henderson

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Huge colorless diamond goes for record $27 million

Huge colorless diamond goes for record $27 million

Fabrice Coffrini / AFP - Getty Images
A flawless clarity diamond weighing 101.73 carats sold at auction Wednesday in Geneva for $26.7 million.

A pear-shaped colorless diamond that is the largest ever offered at auction sold for a record of nearly $27 million in a Geneva auction, where records were also set for the prices of pearls and sapphires, auctioneer Christie's said.
The 101.73 carat "Winston Legacy" diamond, the centerpiece of the Magnificent Jewels auction, was bought by jewelry and watch firm Harry Winston for 25.9 million Swiss francs -- $26.7 million -- on Wednesday.
"Harry Winston acquired the most perfect diamond ever offered for sale at auction," said Rahul Kadakia, Head of Jewelry at Christie's Switzerland and Americas.
The diamond was mined in Botswana and cut from a rough stone, weighing 236 carats. It took 21 months to polish, said Christie’s.

Lollobrigida Love! JCK Re-post


Gina Lollobrigida's Earrings, 74 Carat Yellow Diamond Set Records at Sotheby's

By Daniel Ford, Web Editor
Posted on May 15, 2013
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Gina Lollobrigida's Earrings, 74 Carat Yellow Diamond Set Records at Sotheby's
Gina Lollobrigida wearing the record setting pearl earrings (Photos courtesy of Sotheby's Geneva).
Screen legend Gina Lollobrigida may have turned heads during her days as a sex symbol in the 1950s and 1960s, but her jewels—including a 74 ct. yellow diamond that once belonged to a Persian Shah—were the center of attention at Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels sale in Geneva on May 14.
Lollobrigida’s collection sold for a total of $4.96 million, led by pair of natural pearl and diamond pendant earrings that fetched $2.39 million, setting an auction record for natural pearl ear pendants. The earrings beat the price paid for a pair of Elizabeth Taylor’s pearl earrings in 2011. A Bulgari diamond necklace and bracelet combination that Lollobrigida wore while accepting her 1961 Golden Globe sold for $783,851.

1964 natural pearl and diamond earrings

1954 diamond necklace/bracelet
A 74.53 ct. cushion shaped fancy yellow diamond formerly in the collection of the Persian Shah, Ahmed Shah Qajar, earned $2.9 million, setting an auction record for a fancy yellow diamond and a record price per carat for a fancy yellow diamond ($40,061 per carat).

74.53 ct. cushion shaped fancy yellow diamond
Other highlights of the sale included:
A 27.90 ct. cushion modified brilliant-cut D color diamond mounted on a ring sold for $4.45 million.

A 6.93 ct. brilliant-cut light pink diamond necklace, with two circular-cut diamonds—a 34.78 ct. diamond with an 11.38 ct. briolette diamond—sold for $2.39 million.

A 31.35 ct. cushion brilliant-cut diamond ring fetched $1.83 million.

In its entirety, the sale totaled $78.2 million.