Monday, July 15, 2013

Memorable Monday...

Memorable Ways To Pop The Question By: David W. Richardson, CSP

Falling For Him

Michael and I met in a composition class in our sophomore year of college.  We struck up a conversation one afternoon as we were walking out of the classroom and continued talking until we reached my dorm. He asked if he could take me out for coffee later, and I told him I'd like that.

Our relationship just "felt right" from the very beginning, and we knew that we were meant to be together.

Michael and I had been dating for a little over a year when we began talking about moving in together. I had discussed the idea with my parents, and they weren't too crazy about it. They hadn't said "Absolutely not, young lady!" as I had expected, though, so I moved forward with my plan to move in.

The Saturday we had chosen to move was a chilly fall day with multi-colored leaves blowing everywhere. fall is my favorite time of year, and I couldn't wait to get moved into our little apartment so we could decorate with all the seasonal colors. 

As I trudged up the steps with a full armload of clothes, I looked up to see that Michael had already hung a beautiful wreath made of red and gold leaves on our door.  It was big and thick and had pine cones scattered around it. I wondered who had made it.

Pushing open the door with my foot, I walked in and complimented Michael on the wreath as I dropped my pile of clothes on the couch. "Who made that, Michael? It's beautiful."

"Believe it or not, I did...with a little help from your mom," was his reply.

"My mom?" I walked back out to take a closer look with Michael on my heels. The significance of the wreath on our door was much more apparent when I had a chance to look more closely.  Hanging from a red ribbon in the center was a diamond engagement ring with a note attached to it. 

In my mom's handwriting, The note read: "Honey, do you think we would've let you move in there if we hadn't known Michael was going to propose? Now, give the poor boy his answer! Love, Mom."

Michael had a huge smile on his face as if he knew exactly what my answer would be, and he was right. I gave him a great big "yes!"

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